The Technology is Growing Day by Day and the Mobile users are increasing , there are millions of Phone numbers and each number is unique and different from others
Now its Difficult to Track a Phone Number in India or in any other country there are a lot Fake online services To Track a Phone Number namely Phone Tracker, Cell Phone Tracker, Phone locator, Track my phone, Find Phone Location and many more ,so don't waste your time with those services.
Below I have presented some quick ways to track a phone number
Below I have presented some quick ways to track a phone number
How To Track A Phone Number
If you are worried about Fake Phone calls or wrong Calls then you may try to know the caller details

I have collected some quick ways to Track a phone number and presting in this Post
True Caller is The Quick Way to Track A Phone number
Still Most of The People Don't Know About True Caller,
In True caller , you will find almost all phone number details such as owner name, Basic Location etc,
To track a Phone number goto and search the number, true caller app also available for Android, IOS and Windows mobile
Basically True Caller gathers the phone number details on social media sites such as Facebook
if you didn't Found the number in True caller then Search For the Number in Facebook, of the people signup for Facebook using their phone number
Still Didn't Found the Number in Facebook then Goto gmail and Click on Forget password then you will be asked to enter your email address just click on I Forget username
Then You will be asked to provide your phone number then simply provide the phone number which you have to track,
if the number registered then you will see the email id , now copy the email Id and and search with that email on Facebook or other social media
I have told to Click on forget Password for gmail but you can do the same with yahoo mail , Facebook and other social media sites so try at your own risk.
How to trace Phone Number In Termux
(This Method is No Longer Working, The Phoneinfoga Team re-written their tool in go language)

( This Section is for geeks, if you wish then you can try, if you have basic knowledge of using Termux App, you can learn more about Termux by following our Termux Tutorial PDF)
So let's see how we can use termux phone number tracker in your android Termux, but before we get started you must have basic knowledge of the Termux,
If you don't have then no worries, here is the Termux Commands PDF
Installing and using the PhoneInfoga Tool is very easy through Termux, however it has some requirements to run properly
- Termux App
- Python
- Git
- PhoneInfoga Tool
So firstly download and install Termux from playstore.
After installation just type below commands to start using The Tool
Firstly type below command in termux
apt update && apt upgrade
Then type
pkg install python
Then type
pkg install git
Now type
git clone
Now type
Now type cd PhoneInfoga && ls
then type
python -m pip install -r requirements.txtNow type
Finally type
python -n number
That's all you will get all the info regarding to the phone number.
This tutorial is for basic information gathering of phone number and most of the people search for How To track a Phone number Location and How To track Through IMEI , also How to track phone numbers, But its Not Possible at all You have to Consult Cyber Crime Police if you are getting several Spam Calls or Threatening Calls
Hope you guys Learnt How to Track a Phone Number in a Quick Way
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