
Comprehensive Guide for Merging PDF Files on Windows & Linux

Are you fed up with managing a bunch of PDF files on your device? Do you want to organize your computer folder in the best way without losing the i…

Bug Bounty Tools that I use as a Bug Bounty Hunter

In this article, I will share the best bug bounty tools I personally use as a Bug bounty hunter. Of course, hundreds of tools exist for Prof…

7 Best Photo to Text Converters to Extract Text from Images

Optical recognition technology is helpful for students, teachers, and marketers to make their data entry jobs easier. These tools are available in …

How to use L3mon Rat [Tutorial]

Hello guys. In this tutorial, we will be discussing how to use the L3MON Rat. If you are entirely new to this RAT, then follow this tutorial car…

Why Is Linux Perfect For DevOps?

Excerpt: Linux is a versatile kernel that is omnipresent. It powers multiple servers, pipelines, clouds, and much more. However, it might be …

10 Ways to Secure Your Business Email: The Ultimate Guide

The rise of cloud services has made it easier than ever for businesses to operate and collaborate remotely. This has also led to a surge in the use o…

Exploiting SQL Injection at Authorization token

Today In this post, I will be sharing a unique writeup on SQL injection with Authorization Headers token. A little bit intro to Authori…