In this article, we will be covering the basic concepts of Google dorks and how to use them to save your time, energy and make your work smoother, let's see how to do google dorking
By the end of this post, you will gain some basic knowledge on the following
- What is Google Dork
- How to use google dorks
- Google dorks for sql injection
- Advanced Google Dorking Commands
What Is Google Hacking and Google Dorks?
Google hacking or dorking is a combination of special search queries used to gather information from google in a quick way by using some special search operators called dorks, these dorks can be used on other search engines as well (including Bing, Duckduckgo)
While performing a search we can use these special operators to maximize the
output results and get better search results
How Do I use Google Dorks?
Before you start to learn google hacking you should know how google hacking and google dorks help usNormally if you search on google you will find thousands and even millions of results then you need to find out what you are exactly looking for, it really consumes some time If you use Dorks then you will find what you are exactly looking for in a quick way
as you know google is a popular search engine that serves several services
and processes millions of searches results, google provides these search
results not only to internet users but also provide this same information to
Cybercriminals and terrorists, but that's not our topic in this article
okay now go to examples suppose If you want to download bahubali2 video then you will simply go to google and type bahubali 2 movie as a search query but Google will return thousands of results then you couldn't decide where the download link available If you use google dorks then you will find what you are exactly looking for observing the below image dorks are applied like this
okay now go to examples suppose If you want to download bahubali2 video then you will simply go to google and type bahubali 2 movie as a search query but Google will return thousands of results then you couldn't decide where the download link available If you use google dorks then you will find what you are exactly looking for observing the below image dorks are applied like this
Note: Bahubali is a popular Indian movie, you can search for anything while
using dorks not just limited to Movies

These dorks are applied in the google search box you can replace anything you want to search between the quotes " "
intitle:"Title of anything"
intitle: this dork is used to find all the titles related to your search query
let's see another example,
I want to search for useful javascript resources, for that, I will use the
dork intitle to filter the search results and get the web pages whose
title contains the keyword javascript resources
intitle:"Index of" this dork is used to find the main link eg for download link without any restrictions
let's see an example, I need some javascript resources again
for that, I will again search
index of:/pdf/ javascript
inurl:"Url of your search query" inurl dork is used to crawl all the URLs of your search results
let's see I want to search for Bug Bounty programs using google dorks for that
I will use inurl dork as
inurl /responsible-disclosure/ reward
note: you can use anything in the URL according to your requirements, but most
of the
use inurl:php?id= to hunt SQL injection vulnerabilities
filetype:"Your search query for a file " filetype: This dork find outs the files as your desired file
filetype:"Your search query for a file " filetype: This dork find outs the files as your desired file
lets see an example
I would like to search for PDF files related to javascript for that I will use
the search query javascript filetype: pdf
other file types eg: filetype:".mp4" this will find outs only mp4 formated files you can replace any file formats eg .3gp, .pdf ,.mp3 ,.txt etc
Intext:"Your search query text" will return all search results with your desired text keyword
how to google dork a specific website
site:".co.in" the dork site: is used to filter from different domains,
if you use .co.in then google will crawl search results only for .co.in
for example, I would like to search for the latest RCE vulnerability reports
on hackerone.com website
you can use all the above dorks at once in the google search box only for special purpose
eg: intitle:"Index of" intext:"Bahubali2 Full movie" filetype:".Mp4" This command will bring results for Bahubali Full movie as Mp4 format
list of google operators
Operator | Description | Example |
+word | This dork will return, all the mactching keywords not similar | +Phishing |
-word | This will not include the word in search results | -Hacking |
“word * word” | This will return anything between two words | “Apple * watch” |
OR (or | ) | This will return any one of the words | inurl:"/admin" |
AND (or &) | This will return if the both keyword match available | intitle:Facebook & intitle:Hacking |
* | This will return all available | site:*.com |
google hacking cheat sheet
No | Dork | Description | Example |
1 | Intitle: | This dork will return, all the mactching titles with your keyword | intitle:"Hacking" |
2 | allintitle: | This is similar to intitle | allintitle:"Hacking" |
3 | intext | This will return all the maching content realted to your text | intext:"Sql injection" |
4 | inurl | This will return all the urls matching with the keyword | inurl:"/admin" |
5 | allinurl | This is similar to inurl | allinurl:"Sql injection" |
6 | site | Search for a specific site | site:facebook.com |
7 | filetype: | This will return all the files with your given extension | filetype:pdf |
8 | ext: | This is similar to filetype | ext:pdf |
9 | related: | This will return all the website similar to your site | related:google.com |
10 | “keyword” | This will retrn all the exact maching words | “Hacking” |
Note: This Tutorial is Only For Educational Purpose
Hope you all understand what is google dorks and how they are used for information gathering from google
Thanks for reading this article...